Comprehensive Website Development- Deposit

All larger websites require a discussion and proposal, so only purchase here if you have communicated with Jill. Please read all notes below.

Building on the WordPress platform, we can execute your grand vision for a larger website.

Comprehensive sites can start at $5000 and go upwards of $25,000, and include customized layouts, galleries, product and sales pages, team and employee listings and anything else you dream up. We work with you to make it right, then once we launch, 1-3 additional hours of edits are included in all sites, more depending on the agreement. We can train you and your staff to maintain the site, or an on-going UWP Membership can be purchased so we can do it for you.

Ask for a proposal, or schedule an Intro Call with Jill to discuss. Once you have a quote, read the terms and conditions and return here to pay the deposit.

Payment of your deposit constitutes agreement to all terms discussed verbally and in writing as well as the general Website Development terms that can be found here.

Jill will give you the deposit price to input. Please also confirm your understanding of the Mutually Respectful Delay Clause by inputting the weekly amount discussed below. Or Schedule a call to discuss!


SKU: custom-site Category: