WordPress Theme License

$ 30.00 / year

You can choose any theme from Elegant Themes– our theme house of choice.

This can only be purchased by members. log in first if you are a member or consider joining us!
This is just one of the many GREAT benefits to being a UWP member - support, our knowledge and experience with a wide variety of sites and solutions. Check it out: https://ultimatewphelp.com/product/helicopter-annual-membership/
Fleet members: we can partner with you on this as long as the site is under our maintenance and you maintain your membership with current Help Time in your membership bank. What a great value that you can pass on to your own clients... or profit for yourself. We don't mind.

SKU: add-license Category:


You can choose any theme from Elegant Themes and buy your one year license  from UWP for just $30 per year (a $69 value) as long as you are a UWP member.

Note: If you no longer wish to stay a UWP member, you still retain the theme, of course, but will need to purchase your own license directly from Elegant Themes to continue to receive updates (an important component of a healthy WordPress site). The current annual license is $69-89/ year or $249 lifetime.