Multiply: The Outsourcing Course for Online Service-Based Businesses

Are you building a lifestyle of freedom, desiring to travel and explore more, yet find that you are as much a slave to your laptop as when you worked in an office? Despite all the airy photos of working from the beach or hiking all day that you see from your favorite nomadic inspirations, do you find yourself unable to truly embrace the spirit? Are you working way more than you intend in order to afford your life? But you really love what you do and don't want a whole new business or job? It is time to employ the Multiplier Effect!

Using the Multiplier Effect to outsource your service-based business, in a way that is:

  • Scalable - both up and down as your workload and personal goals change;
  • In alignment with your highestĀ values;
  • Allows you to work on the parts of your business that you thrive on - while getting the right staffers to take on the tasks that don't bring you joy;
  • and keeps your clients in love with what you do for them and sharing their delight with everyone who needs you.

In Multiply *, you will learn the exact methods Jill uses to run her business while exploring constantly, working only as much as she desires, and supporting a staff of outsourcers at a higher level than they could ever attain in their own countries. In more than 7 years in her current business iteration, Jill has never needed to advertise or proactively seek work. The clients and the work find her, without fail.


You should take this course if:
You are a seasoned business owner who is looking to increase the amount of work you are able to provide without increasing the number of hours you personally put in to your business.

You have just made, or are about to make, the transition from employee to self-employed as you fulfill your wanderlust.

Your clients could be better served with an expanded skill-set, but you know those skills don't fall into your own wheelhouse.

You understand the power of outsourcing but are unsure of how to technically take the next steps to put it all in place.


What you will learn - in concrete, step-by-step videosĀ and accompanying templates and guides:

  • Where to hire and the exact process that decreases your time and effort in the search process while getting you a rock star staff;
  • How to identify the main areas where you can outsource - andĀ what to never put in someone else's hands;
  • The most imperative tool to ensure accurate communication with a dispersed staff;
  • A blueprint for engagement with clients and staff that keeps everyone on track and informed;
  • When is the right time to scale and why it is way sooner than you think;
  • Security protocols to ensure that your valuable clients' valuable businesses are never at risk;
  • and more, as you take a peek behind the curtain of a successful digital nomad business run by a seasoned full-time traveler.


Offered in 5 weekly modules with daily action steps - and a chance to ask Jill your questions in a private Facebook group - the course design itself is a lesson in why to outsource specific aspects of your business while still engaging in the parts where you are most passionate and energized.

This course is not for you if you are seeking how to have a hands-off business run exclusively by others. The methods Jill teaches are for those who absolutely love their work, but know they could be doing it more efficiently and at a greater scale by implementing these techniques.

So, when do we get you started?

Module 1 is released on Wednesday November 8th, but

join early to get access to Jill through Facebook and your pre-course questions may even become bonus material!

Early Bird Benefits:

Early bird course members will have a chance at Hot Seat Sessions using Facebook live, where Jill helps you overcome your specific business challenges.

One early bird registrant will even get their staff communication system set up for them - an $850 value! The winner will be chosen through an application process mid-way through the course.

Can't commit to learning this material in November but truly want to learn to Multiply yourself? All registrants will have access for one full year to the course and Facebook group, with monthly Facebook live sessions for 11 months after the modules are complete.

Click below to get started!

If it is time to take your dreams on the road - or prepare for doing so - with greater leverage and support than you thought possible, then sign up for Multiply today! Register by October 31st for a chance to apply for the valuable Communication Hub Set-Up bonus. All registrants will get access to the Facebook group - and the chance to ask Jill anything - within 24 hours of registration. Get in early and you can get the kind of private consultations for which business owners usually pay Jill upwards of $150 per hour.

No secrets here. Using the techniques she will teach you, Jill earns $90-150 per hour while only paying out $15-30. In just one hour, that is $60-$120 profit. Imagine the freedom your life can have when you earn money while you explore, in a business that feels completely in alignment with your personal values? How much is that worth to you?

Makes it easy to do the math: This course is worth many thousands in future profits. In just the first week, you will learn the steps to start multiplying your personal output. Seems like a good value, even at 10 times the price now, doesn't it?

Your investment: $347 if you wait until after November 1st.

Or, better, sign up early, get a greater chance to be tutored directly by Jill and apply for the Communication Hub Set-up Bonus.... for just $247.

Just getting your business going and even that feels steep? Break it down into 5 weekly payments of $60 if you submit your first payment by November 6th.

On the fence, as you don't know if your business model can benefit from the techniques Jill teaches? Schedule a 10 minute phone call and ask Jill anything.


Isn't it time that you begin to leverage your own best skills, multiply your ability to serve your clients and actually live the promise of a digital nomad life? This is the course that can make that happen. You in?